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You’ve found the treasure!


Many firms never discover the hidden treasure of Stellar Execution (SE) (TM). And by that, I mean the translation of your marketing/branding/ recruiting/sales plan into outstanding collateral that maximizes the results of that plan.


You see, when it comes to your marketing plan, which, don’t forget, is your branding plan and your recruiting/sales plan, SE can make a poor plan good, a good plan great, and a great plan exceed your goals by a factor of three. You’ll have to hire more staff! Conversely, poor execution delivers the opposite results: it’ll make a great plan merely good, a good plan deliver poorly, and a poor plan…well, you just wasted a lot of money.


Actually, without SE, you’re actually wasting money. You’re losing money. You’re leaving money on the table. No matter how good or great your plan is. Because potential prospects aren’t clicking, they aren’t reading. And if they are, they aren’t responding. To mix metaphors here, they’re like fish that pay your best-baited hook no mind…and just swim right by to the hook with the bait that stimulates their brains and, therefore, catches their eyes…and generates a feeding response.

Like the pirate captains of old, smart successful CEOs know that the key to long-term growth of their brand and their sales and their firm is a great marketing/branding/recruiting plan (your map!) paired with Stellar Execution. And they kept that treasured secret hidden away from others, buried in their minds, while their captain competitors sailed hither and yon looking for it and wondering in vain how their successful rivals do what they do.


If you are working with a consultant that is telling you how to market your firm and they can’t show you a portfolio of Stellar Execution, avast! Bear away! Cut and run! (Cut and run is originally a nautical term for when a ship faced imminent danger and needed to get underway quickly, the anchor would be cut instead of hoisted and the ship would turn and run with the wind. It was better to lose one’s anchor than to suffer the approaching danger.)


Here’s a free nugget of treasure: demand, insist, and invest in Stellar Execution. The ROI can be measured in factors and years. If you can’t do it on your own, contact me. I’ll show you how it’s done.


You’ll thank me…and your brand, your firm, and your recruiters/salespeople will thank you.

The above is a very small sample of nearly 2 decades of Stellar Execution. If you would like to see more, contact me and let’s have a “gam”.

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